Why blog? I’ve been trying to come up with an elegant answer to that question for a while now. These persistent thoughts of blogging seem rooted in the ability of my three kids to, at a minimum, strap on their own seat belts and forage for their own food (only if refrigerator access is nearby, of course). I’ve also been engaged in a recurring conversation with several of my girlfriends which always starts off something like this:

Gf – “Can you imagine having another baby right now?”

Me – “I’d die in childbirth. And if I happened to survive the birth, it’d be death by breastfeeding.”

Gf – “I think the lack of sleep would kill me.”

Then we usually end up belly laughing in a way that’s both deeply genuine and deeply despondent because we are caught in a moment grieving for the physical strength and stamina and flexibility our bodies displayed when we started motherhood’s perilous path. Which brings me somehow to blogging – out of this mournful reminiscence grow thoughts of creating and nurturing something that requires a different type of discipline and stamina. Something that may require fewer trips to the grocery store but more time in quiet contemplation. And more sharing. Sharing of observations, stories, thoughts, experiences and occasional top ten lists. I hope to experiment with a little of all of these in this nascent format (to me). So I will kick it off by sharing what I will lovingly refer to as an “incident” which occurred just yesterday morning.